“I feel like I am walking on eggshells”

“I feel alone and isolated”

“My child hurts me”

"My child is verbally abusive to me"

“My child is violent”

“My child damages my property”

"Am I a bad parent?"

“I feel like I am walking on eggshells” “I feel alone and isolated” “My child hurts me” "My child is verbally abusive to me" “My child is violent” “My child damages my property” "Am I a bad parent?"

Can you relate to these difficulties?

Then it’s time to regain control

  • Are you struggling with challenging behaviour from your child, such as violence towards you or towards your home?

  • Does your child control family life?

  • Are you fearful of the repercussions if you don’t give in to your child’s demands?

Perhaps they are verbally abusive or disrespectful to you.

Help The Parent will provide you with insight into your situation and the skills and knowledge to address the challenging behaviours that you are experiencing. We will guide and support you to become the confident parent you want to be.

We help you to parent with confidence

We help you to feel less alone

Many of our parents talk about feeling isolated and alone. This is because parents often feel that they will be judged for their child’s behaviour. The guilt, shame or embarrassment that parents undeservedly feel, can often mean that they do not share the struggles that they are experiencing.

Through Help The Parent you will meet other parents and carers that can relate to your feelings and your situation. Connecting with them will help you to feel less alone.

You will feel understood, supported and better about yourself through the peer connections you make and the support you receive from Debbie and Helen who facilitate every course.

We help you to reconnect with your child

At Help The Parent, we understand the wide range of feelings that parents experience when dealing with unwanted behaviours. We understand this can sometimes lead to a disconnection with your child. You may feel angry with them , you may feel disillusioned , frustrated or hurt , you may even not want to spend time with them any more because of how they are treating you .

We will explore relational dynamics and how interaction and response impact on behaviour helping you to improve the relationship between you and your child.

“What I took from the course actually changed my life, the course turned out to be invaluable in so many ways.”

— Claire


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


07938028112 or 07935582191